Let's build the kind of church our world needs

Let's build the kind of church our world needs

Spiritual Depth

A Caring Community

A Church That Serves

Like you, I'm passionate about Unitarian Universalism.

I am an entrepreneurial minister. IĀ love going out into the world andĀ telling people about Unitarian Universalism. I see the online church as a huge opportunity. I believe that actively reaching new audiences helps the entire community. If this is what you are looking for, I would love to talk more with you.Ā 


Rev. Ian White Maher

I love helping churches clarify their mission, grow their membership, and make meaningful impact in their communities.

  • Raised Unitarian Universalist, served as a continental young adult leader, and worked for the UUA

  • 16 yearsĀ as a Unitarian Universalist minister

  • Lived for 6 years in a Zen Buddhist temple

  • Planted a UU church in Brooklyn NY (watch our video)

  • Trained as a spiritual director and retreat leader with the Shalem Institute for Spritual Formation

  • Former host of a popular Buddhist podcast (Apple & Spotify)

There is something about who he is, how he greets us, hugs us, loves us, that makes me think...the world is good and pure and joyful, and that it’s okay to admit we need one another.

— Mary Cinadr 

Want to read more about my vision for Unitarian Universalism?

Download the essay I wrote for "Turning Point: essays on a New Unitarian Universalism" edited by Rev. Fred Muir. CLICK HERE to read it.


More than ever we need communities willing to risk loving the hell out of this world

I believe we need a transformation of values. More than ever we need communities willing to take a stand for generosity, companionship, and service.

I am looking for a church that also sees this as their mission or can envision this as their mission. If this is you or you believe it could be you, I would love to have a conversation.

We're in the middle of the biggest transformation in modern history. If Unitarian Universalism doesn't adapt, membership will continue to decline, we will become increasingly irrelevant, and we will continue to watch the conservative church define more and more of our culture.


There is a radicalization happening before our eyes. We are watching meanness, greed, and alienation promoted from the highest platforms.


These voices of chaos can be so compelling people who are already feeling overwhelmed and confused find themselves saying yes to ideas and actions that are not aligned with their values.


What we do in this moment matters.

We're in the middle of the biggest transformation in modern history. If Unitarian Universalism doesn't adapt, membership will continue to decline, we will become increasingly irrelevant, and we will continue to watch the conservative church define more and more of our culture.


There is a radicalization happening before our eyes. We are watching meanness, greed, and alienation promoted from the highest platforms.


These voices of chaos can be so compelling people who are already feeling overwhelmed and confused find themselves saying yes to ideas and actions that are not aligned with their values.


What we do in this moment matters.

 But I am hopeful.

There is a future where we are helping people lead meaning in their lives, nurturing a healthy and supportive community, and being leaders in our community and our culture.


Let's build the kind of church our world needs